Build a plumbing pipe shelf
Make a shelf in cast iron and wood fittings
Increasingly popular since the end of the 2000s, the so-called “industrial” decorative trend never goes out of style. Better still: it adapts to all styles of furniture - modern, Art Deco, Baroque, rustic - for a result, as evidenced by the photo kindly sent to us by one of our customers, who made this superb wall shelf with cast iron fittings and beautiful wooden planks, for a result of spectacular elegance.
However, the realization of such shelves in plumbing pipes and wood is not, in itself, a very complicated task: it would even be within reach of all, as long as one is accustomed to the assembly of furniture in kits for example. So if you want to give your interior the look of a New York loft at low cost, if you want to treat yourself to a unique piece, seen nowhere else but at home, like our photo (industrial style wall shelf) , you just have to take note of some information and tips that we will submit to you below with this little tutorial (tuto) but also for more details, consult this little guide with photos to know how to fix boards on a shelf tubular wall with steel pipes and floor flanges.
Preparation of the project and listing of the materials used:
Please note that to work safely on the construction of this type of industrial shelving, it is important to be accompanied by at least one person.
1/ Materials
The industrial style decor requires the use of mainly metal (steel and / or black cast iron or even galvanized), painted or even rusty and wood, raw, tinted, varnished or sometimes recovered from old pallets. For this type of installation (DIY project), we will favor black steel plumbing pipes (also called pipes or nipples in the jargon), elbows, flanges, available of course on our site and raw wood planks, cut to size at most DIY stores.
If the thickness of the wooden planks depends on the desired resistance or the desired aesthetic side, the size of the pipes and elbows will depend on the dimensions of the wall to be “dressed” but also on the size of your room. Please note the main diameters used:
- ½" or "15x21": this diameter is most often used for small parts or the construction of small structures.
- ¾" or "20x27": this diameter is generally reserved for large pieces or larger industrial DIY projects.
- 1" "26x34" and 1"¼ "33x42" used a little less, these two diameters, very thick, are reserved for larger structures than the one presented here.
More information on diameters and inch to centimeter correspondences.
On purchase, these different pipes exist in different sizes but nevertheless take into account the fact that each element that you add to them: elbows, floor flanges (or floor plates), tees, crosses, etc... depending on the size (15x21, 20x27, 26x34, 33x42) will add length to your creation. Please note, on our site, the product sheets in question, it is indicated the corresponding addition for each part. plumbing material cast iron steel
Drawing up plans is therefore a mandatory prerequisite before the start of your project, if you want to avoid unpleasant surprises. You are not going to buy a kit already prepared, you are going to work, and it is not an empty expression, "tailor-made": you will thus obtain your materials according to your estimated needs, which will save you disappointments and expenses. unnecessary. You will also need to carry out a thorough reflection on the most relevant way of assembling the different elements of your furniture. Incidentally, Franck from style-indus.com is at your disposal for any advice at this stage of the development of your project.
2/ Tools side
Here is an almost exhaustive listing of the tools to use for the assembly of a tubular shelf:
- A tape measure and a pencil (for taking measurements).
- A level (spirit or laser).
- A square and possibly a plumb line (for marking the walls on which you are going to proceed with your installation).
- A drill (with a hammer function if you plan to tackle concrete or solid, high-strength materials).
- Wood drill bits for planks, metal and/or concrete drill bits for walls of the desired hole diameter, i.e. that of the dowel.
- Plugs and screws for placo or concrete.
- Protective glasses.
- Hammer, flat and Phillips screwdriver will complete the panocores of the DIY plumber you are about to become. assembly-tools

Advice for the implementation of your structure
Have you taken your dimensions and drawn your plan?
Now is the time to move on to making it happen. Remember to protect your floor well (tarpaulins, boxes, etc.) because the preparation and screwing of certain parts can be done flat for more ease at the pre-assembly stage. Whatever the nature and complexity of your creation, the working method to follow will often be the same, namely:
1/ Inspection of the walls
Before you start, you must first make sure that your wall will support the load that you will attach to it. You can use the technical descriptions of our products to help you get an idea of the total weight of your shelf, in general the weight of the fittings is indicated in the product sheets. In the vast majority of cases, it is preferable to use several fixing points to evenly distribute the load of the structure and, above all, to probe your wall, simcores by tapping its surface. If it sounds hollow, you are in the presence of plasterboard walls, hollow bricks or cinder blocks (in which case the sound will be more muffled). If the noise is deaf, you have a solid material there, certainly much more resistant. The nature of the support to be drilled will determine the choice of bits for your drill as well as the dowels you will use. This done, you will check the absence of electrical wiring, at the places where you intend to drill, by means of a reliable detector (not all of them are).
2/ Assembly of the structure
Referring to your plan and after thinking about the assembly method (fitting the parts together before or during installation or as you go along), degrease your pipes well beforehand with a cloth and degreaser then apcores them, if necessary. if necessary, a transparent varnish. While the varnish dries, draw your marks and drilling points using the spirit level and plumb line, your work must be perfectly square and parallel to the ground once on the wall.
3/ Drilling of the walls and anchors to be used
The maximum total weight of the load, divided by the number of fasteners desired, determines the diameter of these, and therefore the choice of drill bits and anchors. Do not forget to also include the weight of the objects that you will place on your wall shelf in your calculation. For a total load of less than 20 kg, a diameter of 4 to 5 mm will suffice. For a weight between 20 and 50 kg, a diameter ranging from 6 to 8 mm will be necessary. Beyond 50 kg, a less likely option, play it safe by opting for at least 10 mm. The hole will be of the diameter immediately less than the diameter of your dowel if your wall is designed with a soft material, of the exact diameter if the material is hard (you will have to use, in the latter case, the percussion function of your drill).
Little trick: do a test by pre-drilling a hole with one of your smallest bits. You will be informed about the hardness of your wall while having drill guides in place. The rest will be easier! If your wall is hollow, or for any ceiling attachment, you will use either metal or concrete bits for your drill, as well as tilting dowels or, ideally, the “Molly” model. These metal pegs open like grabs inside your wall and provide a solid grip. If your wall is solid, prefer the use of concrete drill bits and classic nylon dowels called "expansion". The longer the dowel, the stronger the binding. Bring your protective glasses to protect your eyes and drill while remaining well in the axis, without forcing, stopping from time to time to avoid damaging your drill bit. Clean your hole to evacuate the dust and stick your peg in there.
4/ Fixing the wall shelf
The last step, equipped with the spirit level and your screwdriver, all you have to do is screw your creation to the wall, which remains a delicate step. For more speed, precision and safety, we strongly recommend the use of an electric screwdriver. You will tire less! You will need all the human help possible for this part of the project because you will have to screw the floor flanges to the wall (4 screws per bide) while ensuring that you are level and supporting all or part of your future installation .
In this example of a wall-mounted tubular shelf, the fixing is made to the wall by the flanges. Keep in mind that it is possible, depending on the different DIY projects, to fix the shelf directly to the ceiling and/or even also to the floor via the floor bidets as well.
The industrial style offers a playful, economical and visually stunning approach to interior decoration. It adapts to all levels and all budgets: you alone decide the complexity of your achievements and the necessary investment. If you want to share your experiences, show the results of your inventiveness, send us photos of your most beautiful creations, we will be happy to publish them!
Simple industrial style tubular shelving model:
1/ Example of a wall shelf made of steel pipes, cast iron fittings and wooden board
As can be seen in this new example of shelving above, the wooden planks are pierced directly by the steel pipes, which allows them to be firmly fixed. The boards therefore simcores rest on the Tees and are held on the other side by the elbows. Here we have a simple and perfect pattern for attaching shelves, a clear illustration and even one of the best ways to achieve industrial style shelving. For information, the diameter of the pipes used for the creation of this bookcase is: (26/34) 1" or 3.4cm outside diameter of the pipes. On the figures side, the average cost of this steel structure with the diameter (26/34) 34) is around €350 including VAT Of course, we have at your disposal on industrial style all the material necessary for the realization of this kind of DIY project.